Italy's Volcanoes: The Cradle of Volcanology

Beyond "Italy's Volcanoes"

Italian volcano links Volcano sites (scientific)
Volcano sites (non-scientific) Decade volcano links
Web sites with volcanic eruption news


Eruption news on the WWW


THE eruption information site: Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network (Smithsonian Institution) - appears about 2 months after an event

Weekly eruption updates from the Smithsonian Institution and the U.S. Geological Survey Volcano Hazards Program

From the same source: Preliminary Notices on Volcanic Activity. This also has the latest Volcano Listserv Proceedings

Eruption news from Southwest Volcano Research Center - this site also has reports about volcanic unrest and contains an experimental eruption prediction program

"What' s erupting now?" from Volcano World

Activity of other volcanoes (than Stromboli) from Stromboli On-line

Volcanic eruption news from Societé Volcanologique Européenne

(Almost) daily updates about volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and other geophysical events come from

Any news related to active volcanoes, but also major seismic events, are posted in near real-time at John Seach's, many of the news being taken from initial press reports and therefore relatively unfiltered

Updates about the current activity of the Italian volcanoes are provided by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) at its sections of Catania (Etna, Stromboli, Vulcano etc.) and Naples (Vesuvio, Campi Flegrei and Ischia). Most of the content is in Italian; however, more important events are reported by the INGV via the different outlets of the Global Volcanism Network (see above)

Updates on the seismic and (if any) eruptive activity of Mount St. Helens comes from the Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network (PNSN) which offers a list of the 20 most recent earthquakes and a graph of daily earthquake counts

Monthly reports about the activity of Mount St. Helens at the Cascades Volcano Observatory web site

Updates from Alaska Volcano Observatory for Alaskan and Kamchatka volcanoes

Current activity at Long Valley Caldera, California

The official server of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) has detailed reports on the latest activity of Hawaiian volcanoes (Kilauea and Mauna Loa) with numerous photographs

Another site with news of the Hawaiian volcanoes: the Hawaii Center for Volcanology has updates and spectacular photos (but has not been updated since 1999)

Weekly newsletters of general interest, mainly concentrated on Hawaiian volcanoes: Volcano Watch from Hawaii Volcano Observatory

Information about the activity of the volcanoes in New Zealand can be found at Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences

A news page at the WWW site of the Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (click "Hot News" in menu at right) has updates on eruptions in this volcanically highly active part of the world

Updates on the activity of Soufriere Hills (Montserrat) are being provided by the Montserrat Volcano Observatory once per week, since 2002 also again daily (but no on-line updates have been provided since mid-July 2003, following the latest great dome collapse and explosions)

Reports on volcanic and seismic events in the Caribbean island arc are given by the Seismic Research Unit of the University of the West Indies (Trinidad & Tobago), which also has a lot of background information including the latest fascinating research at the frequently active submarine volcano named Kick'em Jenny, and hazard reports for several of the volcanically active islands of the arc

The official page about Monitoring of Popocatépetl from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, with live images from a Volcano Cam

Updates about the activity of Colima volcano from the University of Colima, this one also with live images from two different Volcano Cams

Volcanic activity in Guatemala is reported daily (in Spanish) on the web site of the Instituto Nacional de Sismologia, Vulcanologia, Meteorologia e Hidrologia (INSIVUMEH) in Guatemala. In the case of more important events, updates are posted on a special page

Information on the current activity of Villarrica volcano in Chile is presented (mostly in Spanish) on the Villarrica web site maintained by Werner Keller

The Instituto Geof�sico of the Escuela Polit�cnica Nacional in Ecuador presents updates about the active (quiescent or currently erupting) volcanoes of the country

News about some volcanoes of special interest (in French): L.A.V.E. eruption updates (provided by the network of correspondents of L'Association Volcanologique Européenne, Paris)

For French volcanoes (Piton de la Fournaise, Montagne Pelée etc...): French Volcano Observatories will make information available

For Japanese volcanoes: Current eruption reports by Volcano Research Center

Eruptions and other geologically interesting events in Iceland are reported on the web site of the Nordic Volcanological Institute (Nordvulk)

Also in Iceland, the Department of Geophysics of the Icelandic Meteorological Office has news on geophysical events (including eruptions) and frequently updated maps of the latest earthquakes in Iceland

News about active Philippine volcanoes are available at the web site of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. A special page is dedicated to Mayon volcano

News about the activity of the unique African volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai (it erupts carbonatite lavas instead of silicate lavas) are available at the web site of Celia Nyamweru



BBC World Service


Fox News

The "Journal de l'Ile" and "Imaz Press" of Réunion island has detailed info and startling photos when Piton de la Fournaise erupts

News about the activity of volcanoes in Ecuador are available at four on-line newspapers (in Spanish): "Diario Hoy", "La Hora", "El Comercio" and "El Universo"

Volcanic activity in southern Chile is reported in the "Diario Austral" of Temuco, a town near the active Villarrica volcano

Central American eruptions are featured in "La Nación", Costa Rica

Mexican eruptions are featured in "La Jornada"

International and national news (in Italian) are provided by Adnkronos

Catania's most-read newspaper La Sicilia has frequent reports about Mount Etna. A part of the pages are available as PDF files, but some are difficult to access and others are not posted every day.

The "Giornale di Sicilia" has articles of regional interest, and Etna is featured frequently.

Those who are capable of reading Indonesian will find info about eruptions in Indonesia in "Kompas" newspaper


Copyright © Boris Behncke, "Italy's Volcanoes: The Cradle of Volcanology"

Page set up in 1996, last modified on 6 August 2003
Hosted by VolcanoDiscovery