Monti Iblei, Sicily, Italy
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Monti Iblei , Sicily, Italy

volcano number: none (not Holocene)

summit elevation: 950 m

location: 37.734°N, 15.004°E


The Monti Iblei, also known as the Iblean (or Hyblean) Plateau, are constituted by a carbonate platform with substantial intercalations of volcanics that lies in the SE part of Sicily. Volcanism occurred intermittently from the Late Triassic through the early Pleistocene, in an environment characterized by dramatic eustatic and isostatic sea-level fluctuations and active tectonism. Eruption and deposition therefore occurred both under water and above the sea level, leading to the formation of distinctly different facies.
Chemically, the products of Iblean volcanism are both (sub-alkalic) tholeiitic and alkalic basalts. Although the occurrence of both rock types has been known for some 30 years, recent research in the Monti Iblei has shown that each was produced in distinct events that probably correlate with changes in the tectonic regime in the area. In fact, only one significant tholeiitic event has been identified with certainty; this occurred in the late Upper Pliocene and was very brief and very voluminous.
Volcanic deposits in the Monti Iblei show a great variety of submarine facies while subaerial deposits are almost entirely sheeted lava flows with rare occurrences of partially welded spatter. The diversity of submarine deposits is due to different eruptive and depositional processes both during and after eruptive events.
During the period from the late Miocene until the early Pleistocene, five periods of volcanic activity occurred in an area lying between the towns of Palagonia, Mineo, Militello and Scordia in the NW part of the Iblean Plateau. They were separated by periods of non-volcanic sedimentation and partial erosion. The analysis of both volcanics and sediments has allowed a reconstruction of the geological history of this area which was highly variable.
The web pages dedicated to the Monti Iblei are based on fieldwork for my Master's thesis and present data and photos of this poorly known volcanic area. Some of the formations are named differently here than in a recent publication by Schmincke et al. (1997), but the story and the conclusions are the same.

The Monti Iblei web pages present:
An introduction into the tectonic setting of the Iblean region
The geological evolution of the Monti Iblei
Late Miocene to early Quaternary stratigraphy
Volcanic events and deposits
Volcanics and sediments reveal the environments of the past
Volcanism and tectonic processes: a discussion of causes and effects
The volcanoes of the Monti Iblei: the ancestors of Etna?


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Schmincke H-U, Behncke B, Grasso M and Raffi S (1997) Evolution of the northwestern Iblean Mountains, Sicily: uplift, Pliocene/Pleistocene sea-level changes, paleoenvironment, and volcanism. Geologische Rundschau 86: 637-669.

Page set up on 3 December 1997
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