Italy's Volcanoes: The Cradle of Volcanology

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This page will contain periodic updates on the activity of Vulcano, mostly when I visit the island and the active crater, or when information is provided by others.

August 1999
Temperatures were measured in fumaroles at the Gran Cratere and in the low-lying area between the Fossa cone and Vulcanello by Claude Grandpey (of the French Association Volcanologique Européenne (L.A.V.E.)in mid-July 1999. The highest temperature in a fumarole on the N rim of the Gran Cratere had dropped to 340° C (down from 411° C measured three months earlier), while temperatures of only 100 ° C were measured in fumaroles on the crater floor. On the isthmus between Vulcano and Vulcanello 98 ° C were measured. This information is from the L.A.V.E. Bulletin of August 1999.

June 1999
Claude Grandpey (of the French Association Volcanologique Européenne (L.A.V.E.) made temperature measurements in the fumarole field on the Fossa cone in April 1999. The highest temperature of 411° C was measured in a fumarole on the N rim of the Gran Cratere, while another fumarole on the inner N slope of the crater had a temperature of 320° C, and a fumarole on the crater floor had a temperature of 240° C. This information is from the L.A.V.E. Bulletin of June 1999.


Copyright © Boris Behncke, "Italy's Volcanoes: The Cradle of Volcanology"

Page set up on 20 January 2000
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