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Stromboli 1985-1995, Part 3: images (1989-1990)

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Stromboli volcano, Aeolian Islands (Isole Eolie), Sicily, Italy -- Eruptive history (1985-1995)

Images of 1989-1990

Eruption from vent 1 in Crater 1 on the morning of 17 September 1989, during my first visit to Stromboli.

Vent 2 within Crater 3 is seen here in eruption. Lava fountains were obliquely projected onto the S rim of the crater. Photo taken on the morning of 17 September 1989 before sunrise.

Figure 5-2: Crater 1 seen from the northeast on the afternoon of 1 April 1990. A small conelet, about 20 m high, is visible at vent area 1/3. Compare this figure to figures 5-X, 5-X, and 5-X. 

Spatter cone at vent area 1/2 (center of Crater 1) on the evening of 1 April 1990, viewed from the southeastern rim of the crater, about 30-50 m distant. The vent of this cone showed a suggestive glow but did not erupt.

Conelet at vent location 1/3, with eccentrically placed bocca at its southern base. No distinct summit bocca is recognizable.

Stromboli's craters seen from the "Fossetta" area, to the south. This compares to photos taken around the turn of the century (see the images of Stromboli before 1930), showing significant upward growth of the crater terrace during the past 100 years. This photo was taken during a small ash eruption from vent 2 of Crater 3 on the afternoon of 7 November 1990.

Simultaneous eruption from three vents shortly after midnight on 8 November 1990. The left fountain comes from vent 3-2 while the right ones rise above unidentified vents within Crater 1. Activity of this kind was going on uninterruptedly for tens of minutes but was less continuous and intense than that observed on 21-22 August 1994. View is from north, same point as the image of 22 August 1994.

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