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Stromboli 1985-1995, Part 3: images (1995)

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Stromboli volcano, Aeolian Islands (Isole Eolie), Sicily, Italy -- Eruptive history (1985-1995)

Images of 1995


View of Stromboli's craters from Pizzo sopra la Fossa on the forenoon of 20 April 1995. Half of the cone in center of Crater 1 has been blasted away by the strong 5 March 1995 explosion, exposing its conduit.

Detail of Crater 1 with the central August 1994 spatter cone (vent area 1/2) bisected by the 5 March 1995 explosion, the explosion pit before it and the "Gemelli" cones to the left. Photo taken 20 April 1995 from Pizzo sopra la Fossa.

Profile view of Crater 1 from northeast, afternoon of 20 April 1995. The 5 March 1995 explosion has blasted out a new pit to the left of what remains of the central August 1994 conelet. Half of the cone as well as some of the smaller features adjacent to it have been destroyed during that explosion. Compare to figures 4 and 5, and the April 1990 photo.

Crater 1 seen from the northeast on 30 April 1995. Strong steam emission hides features within the crater. Pizzo sopra la Fossa is to the left. The photo was supplied by Richard Pichl, University of Prague.

Close-up of lava fountaining from vent area 2 within Crater 1 on 20 June 1995, at about 0400. The vent lies at the SE base of what remains of the 1994 central cone (visible in the right background). No eruptions of solid material had occurred from this vent during the April 1995 visit. To the left of the fountain, the steaming northern cone fo the "Gemelli" is faintly visible. Photo supplied by Marco Fulle.

Small ash explosion from Crater 1 on the afternoon of 28 September 1995, seen from the NE. This is probably the most impressive photo that I took during the second 1995 visit to Stromboli (18-19 September 1995) since weather conditions were quite unfavorable, preventing good visibility. Additionally, the activity was extremely weak on that day, not representative of that period.

View from Monte S. Angelo (Lipari) towards Panarea and Stromboli on a very clear day, 15 September 1995. The blue color of the sea seemed artificial that day. Stromboli emitted large quantities of gas that formed a persistent stratum at about 800-900 m above sea-level. The calabrian coast can be seen behind Stromboli, a very rare phenomenon.

No images of 1996 are presently available. However, you can learn about Stromboli's activity from January to June 1996