Central and South Italian volcanoes

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Volcanoes of Central and South Italy


  • Monte Amiata Volcano
  • Vulsini Volcanic Complex
  • Cimino Volcano
  • Vico Volcano
  • Sabatini Volcanic Complex
  • Colli Albani Volcanic Complex
  • Roccamonfina Volcano
  • References

    Vulsini Volcanic Complex

    Panoramic view of the Vulsini volcanotectonic depression, filled with marvellous Lago di Bolsena. View is from Montefiascone to the NW, on 5 March 1994. Two small islands, Martana (left) and Bisentina (right) lie in the southern central area of the lake, formed by post-caldera lacustrine eruptions. Historic records indicate that eruptive activity of Vulsini volcano occurred as recently as 104 BC, but geologic evidence exists only for eruptions until about 150 ka ago.

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    Monte Cimino Volcano

    Monte Cimino, a Pleistocene lava dome complex near the town of Viterbo (north of Roma), seen from the village of Vitorchiano, 4 March 1994. This volcanic complex produced a voluminous ignimbrite sheet locally known as "Peperino", a very hard material well suitable for building.

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    Vico Volcano

    The caldera of the Vico volcano, south of Viterbo (Lazio) and adjacent to Monte Cimino (above). Part of the picturesque caldera lake and the intracaldera cone of Monte Venere carrying a light dusting of snow are visible in this winter image, taken on 2 January 1995. The caldera collapsed some 150 ka ago, and the last activity of Monte Venere took place some 95 ka ago.

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    Sabatini Volcanic Complex

    View of the northern part of Lago di Bracciano, the largest structure of the Sabatini complex. The lake fills a volcanotectonic depression formed about 3.7 Ma ago. Monte Rocca Romana, a postcaldera stratocone is visible on the right (northern) side of the depression. Taken from the rim of the Sacrofano basin, in late April 1996.

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    Colli Albani Volcanic Complex

    The Colli Albani (Alban Hills) are seen here from the southern outskirts of Roma, March 1992. Monte Cavo forms what appears to be a central cone (which, in fact, is only a high crater rim). Since the photo was taken, tens of private television antenna have been deployed on the summit (there were less than 10 in March 1992). Colli Albani most recently erupted about 22,000 years ago, forming the craters now filled by the beautiful lakes of Albano and Nemi. The area is still seismically active, as demonstrated again on 12-13 June 1995 when Roma was jolted by a series of earthquakes (up to magnitude 3.9 Richter).

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    Roccamonfina Volcano

    Lying somewhat far away from classical tourist areas, Roccamonfina, south of the town of Cassino, is being visited much less than the historically active volcanoes around Napoli. It is, however, being vigorously studied geologically. This view, taken in March 1993, shows the volcano from the W (near Sessa Aurunca). The caldera wall with its highest point on the left side is well distinguishable, the post-caldera lava dome of Monte Santacroce looming above it. Roccamonfina has been the site of several large-volume, ignimbrite-forning eruptions.

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    Amato A, Chiarabba C, Cocco M, Di Bona M & Selvaggi G (1994) The 1989-1990 seismic swarm in the Alban Hills volcanic area, Central Italy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 61: 225-237

    Amato A & Chiarabba C (1995) Recent uplift of the Alban Hills Volcano (Italy): evidence for magmatic inflation? Geophysical Research Letters 22: 1985-1988

    Anzidei M, Baldi P, Casula G, Galvani A, Riguzzi F and Zanutta A (1998) Evidence of active crustal deformation of the Colli Albani volcanic area (central Italy) by GPS surveys. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 80: 55-65.

    Cole PD, Guest JE, Chester DK & Bianchi R (1992) Post-collapse volcanic history of calderas on a composite volcano: an example from Roccamonfina, southern Italy. Bulletin of Volcanology 54: 253-266

    De Rita D (1993) Il vulcanismo. In: Società Geologica Italiana (ed) Guide Geologiche Regionali: Lazio. 50-64

    De Rita D, Funiciello R, Rossi U and Sposato A (1983) Structure and evolution of the Sacrofano-Baccano Caldera, Sabatini Volcanic Complex, Rome. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 17: 219-236

    De Rita D, Funiciello R and Rosa C (1988) Caratteristiche deposizionali della II colata piroclastica del Tuscolano-Artemisio (complesso vulcanico dei Colli Albani). Bollettino del Gruppo Nazionale per la Vulcanologia for 1988: 278-298

    De Rita D, Funiciello R and Parotto M (1988) Carta geologica del Complesso Vulcanico dei Colli Albani (Scale 1:50,000). C.N.R. Progetto Finalizzato Geodinamica, Gruppo Nazionale per la Vulcanologia, Roma

    De Rita D, Giordano G and Milli S (1997) Forestepping-backstepping stacking pattern of volcaniclastic successions: Roccamonfina volcano, Italy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 78: 267-288 (corrected version reprinted in 1998 in Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 80: 155-178).

    Giannetti B (1998) Geology of proximal, small-volume trachyte-trachyandesite pyroclastic flows and associated surge deposits, Roccamonfina volcano, Italy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 80: 113-136.

    Giannetti B & Luhr JF (1983) The White Trachytic Tuff of Roccamonfina Volcano (Roman region, Italy). Contributions for Mineralogy and Petrology 84: 235-252

    Luhr JF & Giannetti B (1987) The Brown Leucitic Tuff of Roccamonfina Volcano (Roman region, Italy). Contributions for Mineralogy and Petrology 95: 420-436

    Stoppa F and Principe C (1997) Eruption style and petrology of a new carbonatitic suite from the Mt. Vulture (Southern Italy): The Monticchio Lakes Formation. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 78: 251-265 (corrected version reprinted in 1998 in Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 80: 137-153).

    Trigila R (editor, 1995) The volcano of the Alban Hills. Tipografia S.G.S. Roma: 1-283

    Page set up in January 1996, last modified 8 July 1998
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